8 Ekim 2020 Perşembe

Cities Skylines Not Enough Buyers (Yeterli Alıcı Yok) Çözüm

Cities Skylines Not Enough Buyers (Yeterli Alıcı Yok) sorunu dikkatli şehir planlaması yapmadığınız taktirde karşınıza 50 bin nüfus ve sonrasında karşınıza çıkar. Düzgün planlamaya sahip iseniz hiçbir zaman bile karşılaşmayabilirsiniz.

Cities Skylines Genel Satış Tablosu
Cities Skylines Genel Satış Tablosu

Not Enough Buyers Sorunu Nerede ve Niye Ortaya Çıkar?

Nüfusun artmasıyla beraber sanayi ve ticaret bölgeleri büyük bir alanı kaplamak durumunda kalıyor. Genel sanayi direkt olarak ticaret bölgelerinize mal götüren yerlerdir. Eğer bu alanları birbirinden çok uzak yaparsanız ya da araya ciddi trafik girer ise sanayi binalarında Not Enough Buyers problemi ile karşılaşıcaksınız. İlk başta küçük, kısa bir süre sonra büyük bir problem olarak geniş bir çevreye yayılacaklardır.

Trafikte problem olmayıp da yine mal problemi yaşıyorsanız ve aynı zamanda ülkenin ticaret bölgesi isteği yok ise aşağıda çözümü tam olarak anlattım.

Cities Skylines Not Enough Buyers
Cities Skylines Not Enough Buyers

Not Enough Buyers Sorunu Nasıl Çözülür?

Basit Çözüm

İlk başta bakmanız gereken şey sanayi ve ticaret bölgeleri birbirine bağlı mı? Belki bir ihtimal de olsa yanlışlıkla yolu kaldırmış veya yol gidişat yönünü yanlış koymuş olabilirsiniz. Buraya kadar eminsek şimdi trafiğin %60'ın aşağısına inmemesine dikkat edin. Nerdeki trafik? Tabiki sanayi ve ticari bölgeler arasındaki trafik.

Kesin Çözüm

Buraya kadar işin bir bakıma genel çözümüydü. Bu madde size tam olarak ihtiyacınız olanı verecektir. İki ihtimal var.

Bunlardan ilki ticari bölgenizi district (ilçe-bölge) olarak bir alan içerisine almalısınız. Ardından o bölgede policy (poliçe) menüsünü açıp city planning (şehir planlama) kısmından Big Business Benefactor (Büyük Ticaret Binası Desteği) seçeneğini aktif hale getirmelisiniz. Böylece ticari bölgeler satışını iki katına çıkarır.

İkincisi de ilk maddenin olması ve eğer industry space planning (endüstri alan planlaması) seçeneği açıksa kapatmanızdır.

Cities Skylines Yeterli alıcı yok
Cities Skylines Yeterli alıcı yok

Olağanüstü Çözüm (Basit ve Kesin Çözüm İşe Yaramadı İse)

Bunları yapmanıza rağmen hala sorun yaşıyorsanız ki bu çok düşük bir ihtimaldir tek çareniz dışardan ülkeye mal almanızdır. Kargo trenleri ve kargo gemilerini ticari bölgelere yakın olarak kurmanız gerekmekte. Kargo gemisi ulaşmıyorsa ticari bölgeyi onun yanına kurmanızda fayda var.

Başka bir can sıkıcı problem olan not enough goods to sell (satacak yeterli mal yok) problemine de açıklık getirdik: https://phrexy.com/cities-skylines-not-enough-goods-to-sell-satacak-yeterli-mal-yok-cozumu/

Aynı zamanda Cities Skylines Not Enough Buyers konusu hakkında işinize yarayabilecek bir video kaynağı bırakıyorum (ingilizcedir) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p91KPgPFxo

30 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi


Learn to create Deep Learning Algorithms in Python from two Machine Learning & Data Science experts. Templates included.

Best Seller

Created by Kirill Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves, SuperDataScience Team
Last updated 5/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Understand the intuition behind Artificial Neural Networks
  • Apply Artificial Neural Networks in practice

  • Understand the intuition behind Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Apply Convolutional Neural Networks in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Apply Recurrent Neural Networks in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Self-Organizing Maps
  • Apply Self-Organizing Maps in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Boltzmann Machines
  • Apply Boltzmann Machines in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind AutoEncoders
  • Apply AutoEncoders in practice
  • Just some high school mathematics level

*** As seen on Kickstarter ***

Artificial intelligence is growing exponentially. There is no doubt about that. Self-driving cars are clocking up millions of miles, IBM Watson is diagnosing patients better than armies of doctors and Google Deepmind’s AlphaGo beat the World champion at Go – a game where intuition plays a key role.

But the further AI advances, the more complex become the problems it needs to solve. And only Deep Learning can solve such complex problems and that’s why it’s at the heart of Artificial intelligence.

— Why Deep Learning A-Z? —

Here are five reasons we think Deep Learning A-Z™ really is different, and stands out from the crowd of other training programs out there:


The first and most important thing we focused on is giving the course a robust structure. Deep Learning is very broad and complex and to navigate this maze you need a clear and global vision of it.

That’s why we grouped the tutorials into two volumes, representing the two fundamental branches of Deep Learning: Supervised Deep Learning and Unsupervised Deep Learning. With each volume focusing on three distinct algorithms, we found that this is the best structure for mastering Deep Learning.


So many courses and books just bombard you with the theory, and math, and coding… But they forget to explain, perhaps, the most important part: why you are doing what you are doing. And that’s how this course is so different. We focus on developing an intuitive *feel* for the concepts behind Deep Learning algorithms.

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With our intuition tutorials you will be confident that you understand all the techniques on an instinctive level. And once you proceed to the hands-on coding exercises you will see for yourself how much more meaningful your experience will be. This is a game-changer.


Are you tired of courses based on over-used, outdated data sets?

Yes? Well then you’re in for a treat.

Inside this class we will work on Real-World datasets, to solve Real-World business problems. (Definitely not the boring iris or digit classification datasets that we see in every course). In this course we will solve six real-world challenges:

  • Artificial Neural Networks to solve a Customer Churn problem
  • Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
  • Recurrent Neural Networks to predict Stock Prices
  • Self-Organizing Maps to investigate Fraud
  • Boltzmann Machines to create a Recomender System
  • Stacked Autoencoders* to take on the challenge for the Netflix $1 Million prize

*Stacked Autoencoders is a brand new technique in Deep Learning which didn’t even exist a couple of years ago. We haven’t seen this method explained anywhere else in sufficient depth.


In Deep Learning A-Z™ we code together with you. Every practical tutorial starts with a blank page and we write up the code from scratch. This way you can follow along and understand exactly how the code comes together and what each line means.

In addition, we will purposefully structure the code in such a way so that you can download it and apply it in your own projects. Moreover, we explain step-by-step where and how to modify the code to insert YOUR dataset, to tailor the algorithm to your needs, to get the output that you are after.

This is a course which naturally extends into your career.


Have you ever taken a course or read a book where you have questions but cannot reach the author?

Well, this course is different. We are fully committed to making this the most disruptive and powerful Deep Learning course on the planet. With that comes a responsibility to constantly be there when you need our help.

In fact, since we physically also need to eat and sleep we have put together a team of professional Data Scientists to help us out. Whenever you ask a question you will get a response from us within 48 hours maximum.

No matter how complex your query, we will be there. The bottom line is we want you to succeed.

— The Tools —

Tensorflow and Pytorch are the two most popular open-source libraries for Deep Learning. In this course you will learn both!

TensorFlow was developed by Google and is used in their speech recognition system, in the new google photos product, gmail, google search and much more. Companies using Tensorflow include AirBnb, Airbus, Ebay, Intel, Uber and dozens more.

PyTorch is as just as powerful and is being developed by researchers at Nvidia and leading universities: Stanford, Oxford, ParisTech. Companies using PyTorch include Twitter, Saleforce and Facebook.

So which is better and for what?

Well, in this course you will have an opportunity to work with both and understand when Tensorflow is better and when PyTorch is the way to go. Throughout the tutorials we compare the two and give you tips and ideas on which could work best in certain circumstances.

The interesting thing is that both these libraries are barely over 1 year old. That’s what we mean when we say that in this course we teach you the most cutting edge Deep Learning models and techniques.

— More Tools —

Theano is another open source deep learning library. It’s very similar to Tensorflow in its functionality, but nevertheless we will still cover it.

Keras is an incredible library to implement Deep Learning models. It acts as a wrapper for Theano and Tensorflow. Thanks to Keras we can create powerful and complex Deep Learning models with only a few lines of code. This is what will allow you to have a global vision of what you are creating. Everything you make will look so clear and structured thanks to this library, that you will really get the intuition and understanding of what you are doing.

— Even More Tools —

Scikit-learn the most practical Machine Learning library. We will mainly use it:

  • to evaluate the performance of our models with the most relevant technique, k-Fold Cross Validation
  • to improve our models with effective Parameter Tuning
  • to preprocess our data, so that our models can learn in the best conditions

And of course, we have to mention the usual suspects. This whole course is based on Python and in every single section you will be getting hours and hours of invaluable hands-on practical coding experience.

Plus, throughout the course we will be using Numpy to do high computations and manipulate high dimensional arrays, Matplotlib to plot insightful charts and Pandas to import and manipulate datasets the most efficiently.

— Who Is This Course For? —

As you can see, there are lots of different tools in the space of Deep Learning and in this course we make sure to show you the most important and most progressive ones so that when you’re done with Deep Learning A-Z™ your skills are on the cutting edge of today’s technology.

If you are just starting out into Deep Learning, then you will find this course extremely useful. Deep Learning A-Z™ is structured around special coding blueprint approaches meaning that you won’t get bogged down in unnecessary programming or mathematical complexities and instead you will be applying Deep Learning techniques from very early on in the course. You will build your knowledge from the ground up and you will see how with every tutorial you are getting more and more confident.

If you already have experience with Deep Learning, you will find this course refreshing, inspiring and very practical. Inside Deep Learning A-Z™ you will master some of the most cutting-edge Deep Learning algorithms and techniques (some of which didn’t even exist a year ago) and through this course you will gain an immense amount of valuable hands-on experience with real-world business challenges. Plus, inside you will find inspiration to explore new Deep Learning skills and applications.

— Real-World Case Studies —

Mastering Deep Learning is not just about knowing the intuition and tools, it’s also about being able to apply these models to real-world scenarios and derive actual measurable results for the business or project. That’s why in this course we are introducing six exciting challenges:

#1 Churn Modelling Problem

In this part you will be solving a data analytics challenge for a bank. You will be given a dataset with a large sample of the bank’s customers. To make this dataset, the bank gathered information such as customer id, credit score, gender, age, tenure, balance, if the customer is active, has a credit card, etc. During a period of 6 months, the bank observed if these customers left or stayed in the bank.

Your goal is to make an Artificial Neural Network that can predict, based on geo-demographical and transactional information given above, if any individual customer will leave the bank or stay (customer churn). Besides, you are asked to rank all the customers of the bank, based on their probability of leaving. To do that, you will need to use the right Deep Learning model, one that is based on a probabilistic approach.

If you succeed in this project, you will create significant added value to the bank. By applying your Deep Learning model the bank may significantly reduce customer churn.

#2 Image Recognition

In this part, you will create a Convolutional Neural Network that is able to detect various objects in images. We will implement this Deep Learning model to recognize a cat or a dog in a set of pictures. However, this model can be reused to detect anything else and we will show you how to do it – by simply changing the pictures in the input folder.

For example, you will be able to train the same model on a set of brain images, to detect if they contain a tumor or not. But if you want to keep it fitted to cats and dogs, then you will literally be able to a take a picture of your cat or your dog, and your model will predict which pet you have. We even tested it out on Hadelin’s dog!

#3 Stock Price Prediction

In this part, you will create one of the most powerful Deep Learning models. We will even go as far as saying that you will create the Deep Learning model closest to “Artificial Intelligence”. Why is that? Because this model will have long-term memory, just like us, humans.

The branch of Deep Learning which facilitates this is Recurrent Neural Networks. Classic RNNs have short memory, and were neither popular nor powerful for this exact reason. But a recent major improvement in Recurrent Neural Networks gave rise to the popularity of LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory RNNs) which has completely changed the playing field. We are extremely excited to include these cutting-edge deep learning methods in our course!

In this part you will learn how to implement this ultra-powerful model, and we will take the challenge to use it to predict the real Google stock price. A similar challenge has already been faced by researchers at Stanford University and we will aim to do at least as good as them.

 #4 Fraud Detection

According to a recent report published by Markets & Markets the Fraud Detection and Prevention Market is going to be worth $33.19 Billion USD by 2021. This is a huge industry and the demand for advanced Deep Learning skills is only going to grow. That’s why we have included this case study in the course.

This is the first part of Volume 2 – Unsupervised Deep Learning Models. The business challenge here is about detecting fraud in credit card applications. You will be creating a Deep Learning model for a bank and you are given a dataset that contains information on customers applying for an advanced credit card.

This is the data that customers provided when filling the application form. Your task is to detect potential fraud within these applications. That means that by the end of the challenge, you will literally come up with an explicit list of customers who potentially cheated on their applications.

#5 & 6 Recommender Systems

From Amazon product suggestions to Netflix movie recommendations – good recommender systems are very valuable in today’s World. And specialists who can create them are some of the top-paid Data Scientists on the planet.

We will work on a dataset that has exactly the same features as the Netflix dataset: plenty of movies, thousands of users, who have rated the movies they watched. The ratings go from 1 to 5, exactly like in the Netflix dataset, which makes the Recommender System more complex to build than if the ratings were simply “Liked” or “Not Liked”.

Your final Recommender System will be able to predict the ratings of the movies the customers didn’t watch. Accordingly, by ranking the predictions from 5 down to 1, your Deep Learning model will be able to recommend which movies each user should watch. Creating such a powerful Recommender System is quite a challenge so we will give ourselves two shots. Meaning we will build it with two different Deep Learning models.

Our first model will be Deep Belief Networks, complex Boltzmann Machines that will be covered in Part 5. Then our second model will be with the powerful AutoEncoders, my personal favorites. You will appreciate the contrast between their simplicity, and what they are capable of.

And you will even be able to apply it to yourself or your friends. The list of movies will be explicit so you will simply need to rate the movies you already watched, input your ratings in the dataset, execute your model and voila! The Recommender System will tell you exactly which movies you would love one night you if are out of ideas of what to watch on Netflix!

— Summary —

In conclusion, this is an exciting training program filled with intuition tutorials, practical exercises and real-World case studies.

We are super enthusiastic about Deep Learning and hope to see you inside the class!

Kirill & Hadelin

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone interested in Deep Learning
  • Students who have at least high school knowledge in math and who want to start learning Deep Learning
  • Any intermediate level people who know the basics of Machine Learning or Deep Learning, including the classical algorithms like linear regression or logistic regression and more advanced topics like Artificial Neural Networks, but who want to learn more about it and explore all the different fields of Deep Learning
  • Anyone who is not that comfortable with coding but who is interested in Deep Learning and wants to apply it easily on datasets
  • Any students in college who want to start a career in Data Science
  • Any data analysts who want to level up in Deep Learning
  • Any people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data Scientist
  • Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Deep Learning tools
  • Any business owners who want to understand how to leverage the Exponential technology of Deep Learning in their business
  • Any Entrepreneur who wants to create disruption in an industry using the most cutting edge Deep Learning algorithms
Curriculum For This Course
179 Lectures


Size: 3.37 GB




29 Mayıs 2020 Cuma



Learn to create Deep Learning Algorithms in Python from two Machine Learning & Data Science experts. Templates included.

Best Seller

Created by Kirill Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves, SuperDataScience Team
Last updated 5/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Understand the intuition behind Artificial Neural Networks
  • Apply Artificial Neural Networks in practice

  • Understand the intuition behind Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Apply Convolutional Neural Networks in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Apply Recurrent Neural Networks in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Self-Organizing Maps
  • Apply Self-Organizing Maps in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind Boltzmann Machines
  • Apply Boltzmann Machines in practice
  • Understand the intuition behind AutoEncoders
  • Apply AutoEncoders in practice
  • Just some high school mathematics level

*** As seen on Kickstarter ***

Artificial intelligence is growing exponentially. There is no doubt about that. Self-driving cars are clocking up millions of miles, IBM Watson is diagnosing patients better than armies of doctors and Google Deepmind’s AlphaGo beat the World champion at Go – a game where intuition plays a key role.

But the further AI advances, the more complex become the problems it needs to solve. And only Deep Learning can solve such complex problems and that’s why it’s at the heart of Artificial intelligence.

— Why Deep Learning A-Z? —

Here are five reasons we think Deep Learning A-Z™ really is different, and stands out from the crowd of other training programs out there:


The first and most important thing we focused on is giving the course a robust structure. Deep Learning is very broad and complex and to navigate this maze you need a clear and global vision of it.

That’s why we grouped the tutorials into two volumes, representing the two fundamental branches of Deep Learning: Supervised Deep Learning and Unsupervised Deep Learning. With each volume focusing on three distinct algorithms, we found that this is the best structure for mastering Deep Learning.


So many courses and books just bombard you with the theory, and math, and coding… But they forget to explain, perhaps, the most important part: why you are doing what you are doing. And that’s how this course is so different. We focus on developing an intuitive *feel* for the concepts behind Deep Learning algorithms.

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With our intuition tutorials you will be confident that you understand all the techniques on an instinctive level. And once you proceed to the hands-on coding exercises you will see for yourself how much more meaningful your experience will be. This is a game-changer.


Are you tired of courses based on over-used, outdated data sets?

Yes? Well then you’re in for a treat.

Inside this class we will work on Real-World datasets, to solve Real-World business problems. (Definitely not the boring iris or digit classification datasets that we see in every course). In this course we will solve six real-world challenges:

  • Artificial Neural Networks to solve a Customer Churn problem
  • Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
  • Recurrent Neural Networks to predict Stock Prices
  • Self-Organizing Maps to investigate Fraud
  • Boltzmann Machines to create a Recomender System
  • Stacked Autoencoders* to take on the challenge for the Netflix $1 Million prize

*Stacked Autoencoders is a brand new technique in Deep Learning which didn’t even exist a couple of years ago. We haven’t seen this method explained anywhere else in sufficient depth.


In Deep Learning A-Z™ we code together with you. Every practical tutorial starts with a blank page and we write up the code from scratch. This way you can follow along and understand exactly how the code comes together and what each line means.

In addition, we will purposefully structure the code in such a way so that you can download it and apply it in your own projects. Moreover, we explain step-by-step where and how to modify the code to insert YOUR dataset, to tailor the algorithm to your needs, to get the output that you are after.

This is a course which naturally extends into your career.


Have you ever taken a course or read a book where you have questions but cannot reach the author?

Well, this course is different. We are fully committed to making this the most disruptive and powerful Deep Learning course on the planet. With that comes a responsibility to constantly be there when you need our help.

In fact, since we physically also need to eat and sleep we have put together a team of professional Data Scientists to help us out. Whenever you ask a question you will get a response from us within 48 hours maximum.

No matter how complex your query, we will be there. The bottom line is we want you to succeed.

— The Tools —

Tensorflow and Pytorch are the two most popular open-source libraries for Deep Learning. In this course you will learn both!

TensorFlow was developed by Google and is used in their speech recognition system, in the new google photos product, gmail, google search and much more. Companies using Tensorflow include AirBnb, Airbus, Ebay, Intel, Uber and dozens more.

PyTorch is as just as powerful and is being developed by researchers at Nvidia and leading universities: Stanford, Oxford, ParisTech. Companies using PyTorch include Twitter, Saleforce and Facebook.

So which is better and for what?

Well, in this course you will have an opportunity to work with both and understand when Tensorflow is better and when PyTorch is the way to go. Throughout the tutorials we compare the two and give you tips and ideas on which could work best in certain circumstances.

The interesting thing is that both these libraries are barely over 1 year old. That’s what we mean when we say that in this course we teach you the most cutting edge Deep Learning models and techniques.

— More Tools —

Theano is another open source deep learning library. It’s very similar to Tensorflow in its functionality, but nevertheless we will still cover it.

Keras is an incredible library to implement Deep Learning models. It acts as a wrapper for Theano and Tensorflow. Thanks to Keras we can create powerful and complex Deep Learning models with only a few lines of code. This is what will allow you to have a global vision of what you are creating. Everything you make will look so clear and structured thanks to this library, that you will really get the intuition and understanding of what you are doing.

— Even More Tools —

Scikit-learn the most practical Machine Learning library. We will mainly use it:

  • to evaluate the performance of our models with the most relevant technique, k-Fold Cross Validation
  • to improve our models with effective Parameter Tuning
  • to preprocess our data, so that our models can learn in the best conditions

And of course, we have to mention the usual suspects. This whole course is based on Python and in every single section you will be getting hours and hours of invaluable hands-on practical coding experience.

Plus, throughout the course we will be using Numpy to do high computations and manipulate high dimensional arrays, Matplotlib to plot insightful charts and Pandas to import and manipulate datasets the most efficiently.

— Who Is This Course For? —

As you can see, there are lots of different tools in the space of Deep Learning and in this course we make sure to show you the most important and most progressive ones so that when you’re done with Deep Learning A-Z™ your skills are on the cutting edge of today’s technology.

If you are just starting out into Deep Learning, then you will find this course extremely useful. Deep Learning A-Z™ is structured around special coding blueprint approaches meaning that you won’t get bogged down in unnecessary programming or mathematical complexities and instead you will be applying Deep Learning techniques from very early on in the course. You will build your knowledge from the ground up and you will see how with every tutorial you are getting more and more confident.

If you already have experience with Deep Learning, you will find this course refreshing, inspiring and very practical. Inside Deep Learning A-Z™ you will master some of the most cutting-edge Deep Learning algorithms and techniques (some of which didn’t even exist a year ago) and through this course you will gain an immense amount of valuable hands-on experience with real-world business challenges. Plus, inside you will find inspiration to explore new Deep Learning skills and applications.

— Real-World Case Studies —

Mastering Deep Learning is not just about knowing the intuition and tools, it’s also about being able to apply these models to real-world scenarios and derive actual measurable results for the business or project. That’s why in this course we are introducing six exciting challenges:

#1 Churn Modelling Problem

In this part you will be solving a data analytics challenge for a bank. You will be given a dataset with a large sample of the bank’s customers. To make this dataset, the bank gathered information such as customer id, credit score, gender, age, tenure, balance, if the customer is active, has a credit card, etc. During a period of 6 months, the bank observed if these customers left or stayed in the bank.

Your goal is to make an Artificial Neural Network that can predict, based on geo-demographical and transactional information given above, if any individual customer will leave the bank or stay (customer churn). Besides, you are asked to rank all the customers of the bank, based on their probability of leaving. To do that, you will need to use the right Deep Learning model, one that is based on a probabilistic approach.

If you succeed in this project, you will create significant added value to the bank. By applying your Deep Learning model the bank may significantly reduce customer churn.

#2 Image Recognition

In this part, you will create a Convolutional Neural Network that is able to detect various objects in images. We will implement this Deep Learning model to recognize a cat or a dog in a set of pictures. However, this model can be reused to detect anything else and we will show you how to do it – by simply changing the pictures in the input folder.

For example, you will be able to train the same model on a set of brain images, to detect if they contain a tumor or not. But if you want to keep it fitted to cats and dogs, then you will literally be able to a take a picture of your cat or your dog, and your model will predict which pet you have. We even tested it out on Hadelin’s dog!

#3 Stock Price Prediction

In this part, you will create one of the most powerful Deep Learning models. We will even go as far as saying that you will create the Deep Learning model closest to “Artificial Intelligence”. Why is that? Because this model will have long-term memory, just like us, humans.

The branch of Deep Learning which facilitates this is Recurrent Neural Networks. Classic RNNs have short memory, and were neither popular nor powerful for this exact reason. But a recent major improvement in Recurrent Neural Networks gave rise to the popularity of LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory RNNs) which has completely changed the playing field. We are extremely excited to include these cutting-edge deep learning methods in our course!

In this part you will learn how to implement this ultra-powerful model, and we will take the challenge to use it to predict the real Google stock price. A similar challenge has already been faced by researchers at Stanford University and we will aim to do at least as good as them.

 #4 Fraud Detection

According to a recent report published by Markets & Markets the Fraud Detection and Prevention Market is going to be worth $33.19 Billion USD by 2021. This is a huge industry and the demand for advanced Deep Learning skills is only going to grow. That’s why we have included this case study in the course.

This is the first part of Volume 2 – Unsupervised Deep Learning Models. The business challenge here is about detecting fraud in credit card applications. You will be creating a Deep Learning model for a bank and you are given a dataset that contains information on customers applying for an advanced credit card.

This is the data that customers provided when filling the application form. Your task is to detect potential fraud within these applications. That means that by the end of the challenge, you will literally come up with an explicit list of customers who potentially cheated on their applications.

#5 & 6 Recommender Systems

From Amazon product suggestions to Netflix movie recommendations – good recommender systems are very valuable in today’s World. And specialists who can create them are some of the top-paid Data Scientists on the planet.

We will work on a dataset that has exactly the same features as the Netflix dataset: plenty of movies, thousands of users, who have rated the movies they watched. The ratings go from 1 to 5, exactly like in the Netflix dataset, which makes the Recommender System more complex to build than if the ratings were simply “Liked” or “Not Liked”.

Your final Recommender System will be able to predict the ratings of the movies the customers didn’t watch. Accordingly, by ranking the predictions from 5 down to 1, your Deep Learning model will be able to recommend which movies each user should watch. Creating such a powerful Recommender System is quite a challenge so we will give ourselves two shots. Meaning we will build it with two different Deep Learning models.

Our first model will be Deep Belief Networks, complex Boltzmann Machines that will be covered in Part 5. Then our second model will be with the powerful AutoEncoders, my personal favorites. You will appreciate the contrast between their simplicity, and what they are capable of.

And you will even be able to apply it to yourself or your friends. The list of movies will be explicit so you will simply need to rate the movies you already watched, input your ratings in the dataset, execute your model and voila! The Recommender System will tell you exactly which movies you would love one night you if are out of ideas of what to watch on Netflix!

— Summary —

In conclusion, this is an exciting training program filled with intuition tutorials, practical exercises and real-World case studies.

We are super enthusiastic about Deep Learning and hope to see you inside the class!

Kirill & Hadelin

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone interested in Deep Learning
  • Students who have at least high school knowledge in math and who want to start learning Deep Learning
  • Any intermediate level people who know the basics of Machine Learning or Deep Learning, including the classical algorithms like linear regression or logistic regression and more advanced topics like Artificial Neural Networks, but who want to learn more about it and explore all the different fields of Deep Learning
  • Anyone who is not that comfortable with coding but who is interested in Deep Learning and wants to apply it easily on datasets
  • Any students in college who want to start a career in Data Science
  • Any data analysts who want to level up in Deep Learning
  • Any people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data Scientist
  • Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Deep Learning tools
  • Any business owners who want to understand how to leverage the Exponential technology of Deep Learning in their business
  • Any Entrepreneur who wants to create disruption in an industry using the most cutting edge Deep Learning algorithms
Curriculum For This Course
179 Lectures


Size: 3.37 GB






Forex Robots – Learn the secrets to making 175% on a real Forex Account with Forex Trading Systems. Metatrader 4 EA

Created by Kirill Eremenko, ForexBoat Team
Last updated 5/2017
What Will I Learn?
  • Use the Strategy Tester in MetaTrader 4
  • Import Historical Data into MetaTrader 4

  • Perform Backtests of Forex Robots

  • Perform Forward Tests of Forex Robots
  • Optimize Forex Robots
  • Run Demo Tests on multiple MT4 terminals simultaneously
  • Run meaningful Real Tests of Algorithmic Trading Systems
  • Apply a tried & tested Stability Criteria to FX Robots
  • Set limitations for MT4 Optimizations
  • Take advantage of the Genetic Algorithm and 2D-surface in MT4
  • Schedule Ongoing (Rolling) Optimizations for their Systems
  • Export Optimization Results into Excel
  • Calculate and Apply the Recovery Factor of FX Systems
  • Basic fluency with computers

Start making money, with no experience whatsoever, immediately – just like my current 5,500+ students!

No need to purchase a Forex Robot – I will give it away to you for FREE in this course for you to practice on a Demo account.

See how I make 6.75% profit in 10 days! LIVE, right in front of your eyes! No b.s. – I will be demonstrating everything on a Real Forex account with Real Money.

You can expect to earn 175+% per annum with the techniques you learn from this course! Let Forex Robots work FOR YOU!

Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes – with any Forex Robot.

This course will save you time, money, and effort. I will give you a step-by-step guide to getting the MAXIMUM returns from your Algorithmic Trading system.

Nothing is kept secret – I reveal all I know… and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course – at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.

Click the “take this course” button, top right, now … every minute you delay is costing you money

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to improve their MetaTrader 4 skills
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to backtest Forex Robots
  • Anyone who want to maximize profitability of their trading system
  • Anyone who has purchased a commercial Expert Advisor
  • Anyone who has developed their own Algorithmic Trading System
  • Finally, anyone who wants proof that YOU CAN earn money from Forex using Robots
Curriculum For This Course
42 Lectures


Size: 1.35 GB


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Learn how to use MATLAB with this awesome toolbox of Image Processing. No previous experience required at all!

Created by Mohit Aggarwal
Last updated 7/2015
What Will I Learn?
  • First of all, you will learn how to code in MATLAB. After completing this course, you would have learnt so many MATLAB commands that picking up new commands will be a piece of cake for you.
  • You will learn all the theoretical concepts of Image Processing and their implementation in MATLAB

  • You will be able to develop your own Image Processing application-specific MATLAB programs.

  • This course will surely help you ace all your MATLAB projects.
  • A computer with MATLAB installed

Over 1000 students learning together and See What They Feel –

Andrew Wiggins – “…The instructor looks expert in the subject and has a very good style of teaching. This online course is a steal at this price, given it is charged like 5 times (around $500 or so) offline in Canada.”


Hussain Ahmed – “This is one of course in Udemy and the instructor has broken down this complex subject so well that it will be easy for even a novice to understand Image processing concepts and start working right away and learn Matlab.”


Rajendra – “I was always interested in image processing/computer vision stuff and didn’t find any place to get started. Luckily this course gave me the initial thrust that i badly needed to get started. He does a good job of reviewing theory and implement using matlab. ”


MATLAB’s Image Processing (IP) toolbox is insanely popular and widely used in almost all academic Institutions and Enterprises. That’s because, it is so well written and organized, that it makes this toolbox very user-friendly for even the toughest of the IP operations.

If you want to learn MATLAB for your Work or College, this is the right course for you. This course teaches you this complete Image Processing toolbox from scratch. All the theoretical concepts have been explained in presentations with examples. Then, their implementation is covered with Matlab Programming. All these presentation files and working Matlab scripts are provided as supplementary materials along with the lectures. You don’t need any previous Matlab Programming experience to take this course, as it starts everything from scratch.

The course content covers all the (Beginner and Intermediate Level) topics in IP toolbox like Image Filtering, Noise Removal, Morphological Operations, Histogram operations, Image Thresholding, Edge Detection and basics of Image Segmentation. Several quizzes have been set up to keep a track of your performance and understanding. Besides all the theoretical content, some real world applications have been covered as well in the form of Projects Like “Detect the faces of all your friends in an image”

This is your complete guide to starting your journey with MATLAB. If you are not 100% satisfied with the course then I personally guarantee you the full-money back! No Questions Asked! Though, I am sure you will be more than satisfied, like other students here. So, Enroll now and start learning!

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Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to learn MATLAB coding! IPT is the best toolbox that MATLAB has and this course will help you in mastering this toolbox from scratch.
  • Image processing hobbyists can use this course as a cookbook.
Curriculum For This Course
36 Lectures


Size: 503.28 MB





Harness the power of the most disruptive technology since the internet through real life examples! Master Blockchain Now

Best Seller

Created by Hadelin de Ponteves, Kirill Eremenko, SuperDataScience Team
Last updated 4/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Why this is important
  • Understand the theory behind Blockchain

  • Create a Blockchain

  • Understand the theory behind Cryptocurrency’s
  • Understand the theory behind Cryptocurrency Transactions
  • Create their own currency
  • Understand the theory behind Smart Contracts
  • Create their own Smart Contracts
  • Just some high school mathematics level


Learn key Blockchain concepts, intuition and practical training to get you quickly up to speed with all things Crypto and Blockchain related. Covering:

  • Module 1: How to build a Blockchain – we’ll start at the very beginning
  • Module 2: How to create a Cryptocurrency – the next step of your journey
  • Module 3: How to create a Smart Contract – Let’s cross the finish line

Here is what you will get with this course:

1. From novice to Blockchain expert: The #1 criteria for success in anything is to be fascinated. If you combine your interest in Blockchain with this training, you’ve got everything you need to become an expert in the field – even if you’re unsure where to begin.

2. A focus on doing, not just listening: The best way to reinforce a skill is to practice it yourself, and blockchain is no different. Not only we’ll each and every single line of code, but we will also take regular steps back to see the logical flow of our creations.

3. The guide to intuitive understanding: In this course you will not only develop the required skills and deep knowledge about Blockchain, but you will also get the right tech instincts. Through this intuition you will feel where and how to apply Blockchain in the real world.

4. Real-world applications: The projects you’ll develop provide the perfect starting point to rapidly gain expertise. Everything you build and practice will be an exciting journey with real-world impact. When finished, you’ll be 100% ready to apply your skills to anything Blockchain-related.

5. In-course support – We’re fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven Blockchain course on the planet. This requires us to be there when you need our help. That’s why we’ve put together a team of professional Data Scientists to support you in your journey, meaning you’ll get a response from us within 48 hours maximum.

Who is the target audience?
  • Any students in college who want to start a career in Blockchain & Cryptos
  • Any Blockchain, Bitcoin & Cryptos enthusiast
  • Anyone interested in building their own Blockchain
  • Anyone interested in Blockchain and its applications
Curriculum For This Course
88 Lectures


Size: 2.5 GB

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You can start using Affinity Designer today to design beautiful and professional graphics!

Best Seller

Created by Jeremy Hazel, Video School Online Inc
Last updated 1/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • You will learn how to use Affinity Designer to design your own professional graphics
  • Quickly understand the interface and how to navigate Affinity Designer

  • Use all of the important tools including the Pen Tool, Pencil Tool, Brushes, and more

  • You will have fun learning with real world projects perfect for social media
  • Create advanced shapes with fills and gradients to look amazing
  • Save and export your Affinity Designer projects for any purpose
  • You should have Affinity Designer installed on your PC or Mac
  • You DO NOT NEED any experience designing graphics or using Affinity Designer to take this course

Welcome to the MOST COMPREHENSIVE Affinity Designer course on Udemy!

With this course, you will learn everything you need to feel confident designing graphics in Affinity Designer.

You’re here because you want an inexpensive, yet powerful and professional, alternative to Adobe Photoshop. Affinity Designer is perfect for you.

And this course will help you get started!

What Will You Learn?

  • Dive right in and learn how the Affinity Designer interface works.
  • Create new documents for print and web.
  • Add and adjust shapes exactly how you imagine them.
  • Design advanced shapes with reflections, expressions, and operations.
  • Understand the power of color in your designs and how to use it properly.
  • Draw lines with the Pen tool and Brush tool
  • Add and edit text with the Character and Paragraph panels
  • Design professional logos
  • Use masking and shading
  • Export and save your projects for any use

Learn By Doing

Throughout this course, you’ll be working on real-world projects such as social media graphics so that you can see your new skills in action!

About Your Instructor

Jeremy Hazel is a professional graphic artist, who loves sharing his knowledge with students like you. Jeremy is dedicated to making this the best Affinity Designer course on the market, so that you can easily start using this amazing application.

If you ever have a problem, Jeremy will be there to help you out!

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About Affinity Designer

Winner of the Best App of the Year, Affinity Designer is the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software available!

It’s perfect for illustrations of any kind!

100% 30-day Money Back Guarantee

Enroll now with now risk. If you’re not enjoying the course, Udemy will gladly refund your purchase with no questions asked.

See you inside the course!

Who is the target audience?
  • Graphic designers who want an alternative to Photoshop
  • Affinity Photo users looking to take their graphics to the next level
  • Anyone looking for an inexpensive and powerful design tool
Curriculum For This Course
124 Lectures


Size: 1.90G





Learn how to use JSON and get JSON data using AJAX Course includes practice exercises and examples using JSON & AJAX

Best Seller

Created by Laurence Svekis
Last updated 4/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Use JSON data within web applications
  • Make AJAX requests across the web

  • Build more dynamic and interactive applications

Curriculum For This Course
235 Lectures


  • Basic HTML and JavaScript
  • Web development experience

Prefect course for beginners to learn AJAX and JSON!!! Step by step learning with all steps included


Loaded full of examples and code snippets that can be used to build upon, practice and get comfortable with AJAX.  Top developer resources, helpful tips and many many open APIs to practice with all included.

Source Code also included so you can jump right in and start building applications.

JSON is the preferred format for data being transferred between coding languages.  Its easy to read, create and work with. Learn about JSON how it works and how you can use it within your own applications.

AJAX provides the ability for your JavaScript code to make http requests to get data and update your page content with the new data.  The data is commonly in JSON format which makes it ideal for use within JavaScript applications.

Together AJAX and JSON are used everywhere and go hand in hand powering many of the top web applications and providing users what they expect from modern websites.

Technologies used within this course : JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Nodejs, AJAX, jQuery, SQLite, plus several npm packages

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation

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A lightweight data-interchange format which is easy for humans to read and write

  • Learn what JSON is and how to use it with JavaScript.
  • Explore how to read and write JSON objects.
  • Iterate thru JSON data and output data contents into your web page HTML elements.
  • Build JSON in a dynamic format for better versatility and management.
  • Event Triggers : How to trigger event listeners to use JSON data within JavaScript. Saving JavaScript data as JSON formatted content.
  • JSON objects and Strings in JavaScript, conversion and manipulation.
  • Getting JSON using HTTP XML request object.
  • Exercise : practice JSON by building out several mini projects including a task list from scratch which stores content into local storage and retrieves local string content converted back in usable JavaScript objects.

AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

AJAX  for building web based interactive applications that process user requests immediately.  No page reload bring data into your application.

  • Explore how AJAX works and how it is used in web applications
  • See what Fetch and XHR are and how they work to get data
  • Connect to external content and data, load it into you application and output the data for the user.
  • Exercise : Using AJAX to connect to a web API and retrieve random user information.
  • Learn how to use AJAX to get a txt file content
  • Exercise : Use AJAX to retrieve jokes from an API and output the response data into your website.
  • Find out how to use Fetch and make AJAX requests using Fetch
  • Exercise : Simple POST and GET to server using Fetch and xHR AJAX. Posting form data to a server using Fetch

AJAX made easy with Libraries

Explore AJAX using two of the most popular libraries online. They solve the problem of cross browser differences in XHR requests and provide a seamless easy to apply experience when using AJAX

  • Using jQuery or Axios for AJAX
  • The easy way to AJAX with options
  • jQuery AJAX and shorthand ajax methods.
  • Exercise : Connect to various web APIs using jQuery and Axios – Build simple AJAX mini applications
  • jQuery Explore how you can use this most popular JavaScript library to do more with less coding.
  • Lightweight library option : Axios provides a seamless AJAX approach that works off promises.

JSON Server for AJAX practice Locally

Often when using AJAX locally we run into CORS errors or others, JSON server provides the perfect resource to easy setup and practice running a local JSON ready server.  Send POST and GET requests and a whole lot more.

  • Learn how to set JSON server locally
  • Top resources to practice AJAX requests during development like Postman
  • Exercise : Create a front end application to connect to your JSON server and send data.  JavaScript and HTML to setup user interface
  • Practice making an AJAX request to the local server.  Posting to JSON server using JavaScript AJAX
  • Exercise : Practice exercise to build interactive application driven by local json DB data.
  • Add more options and even search the local database. Amazing easy to use JSON server options like search
  • Exercise : Mini application to store user info into the database.

Google Sheets as a data source for AJAX requests

Explore using Google Script along with Google Sheets to output data from your sheet.  Learn how to connect that data to your applications. Apps Script is a scripting language for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform

  • Step by step instruction on how to setup Google Sheets with a web app outputting data as JSON
  • Use AJAX from your web application to get that data into your JavaScript code.
  • Extend this even further using Google Apps Script.  GET and POST to the Google Script web app adding and retrieving data in JSON format.
  • Exercise : Send and retrieve data from Google Sheets.  Create a user list as Google Sheets used as a data source.
  • Exercise : Connect to a web API for user data and add it easily into your form to send to your Google Sheet.

AJAX using xHR request, Fetch, jQuery and Axios

Different options for AJAX requests are explored and presented for comparison.  

  • Step by step lessons to help you learn AJAX.
  • Explore the various ways to make AJAX request while building and learning about the 4 different methods presented within the course.
  • Exercise : fully functional mini tester application where you can input a URI and make AJAX requests.

AJAX retrieving JSON data from popular end points

Using AJAX request data for your applications from popular APIs like YouTube and Wikipedia.  Learn how to navigate web APIs and use the data within your projects.

  • Exercise : Connecting to Wikipedia API and exporting response data from API
  • Exercise : Connecting to YouTube and Wikipedia using search to query and return JSON data to use within your webpage.

JavaScript AJAX based trivia application exercise

Explore using popular APIs to build interactive and dynamic applications.

  • Exercise : Connecting to trivia API and sorting response data
  • Exercise : Using response JSON to output and build dynamic content for users to interact with.

RESTful API setup and development

Using Node, jQuery, JavaScript, SQLite, learn how to setup and connect a database to a RESTful API.

  • Explore how to setup a Restful API!  GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Explore how the terminal can be used to setup a backend server using Node.js.  Command line interface simple commands will be used to navigate and seutp folders.
  • Learn how to setup an http server using node ready for localhost
  • Using web resources like postman test your routes and endpoint responses.  API web resources Postman CRUD
  • Setup your routes for a  Restful API GET POST PUT DELETE
  • Updating with adding a SQLite Database to hold data
  • Exercise : Mini application to send and retrieve user information from server database.

RealTime Push messaging Exercise

Using pusher setup a real time messaging application that pushes data to open pages.  Send and retrieve data in real time instantly.

  • Explore how to integrate web services into applications.
  • Use AJAX requests to send data to web services
  • Exercise : Build a simple real time messaging application from scratch

AJAX fetch request API Exercise

Explore how to build a simple Crypto Currency web application from scratch.  Perfect exercise to learn more and practice different request options as well as explore how to customize data for frontend output.

  • Setup a local server using Express and practice AJAX requests locally
  • Avoid local CORS errors and sending requests from the backend
  • Use request to connect to web APIs
  • Multiple ways to make AJAX requests including fetch and jQuery
  • Explore retrieving and updating API data on the backend before it comes to the frontend
  • Exercise : Build a custom Crypto currency information application

AJAX Twitter API Exercise

Explore the Twitter Developer API connect from your local machine.  Use AJAX JavaScript and Node to setup twitter search.

  • Learn to setup a local server request web content
  • Connect to the Twitter API return MASSIVE amounts of data Search and explore
  • Access Tweet objects and get JSON data to your webpage
  • POST to Twitter from your webpage
  • GET tweet objects
  • Exercise : Build a mini application to search tweets and post to twitter.

This course covers everything you need to learn about JSON and AJAX, including practice exercises, loads of examples, source code and step by step training.  Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.

Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

See what you can build with AJAX and JSON!!!!

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about APIs
  • Web developers
  • Web application developers
  • Beginners to JSON and AJAX
  • Developers who want to practice getting JSON data

Size: 5.61G





Learn how to meditate deeply while getting the support you need to create a solid daily meditation practice at home.

Created by Turiya Moore
Last updated 1/2013
What Will I Learn?
  • We de-mystify meditation with clear, concise, and practical guidance.
  • Develop and explore your own daily practice with dynamic personalized support.
  • Experience the depth and power of the ancient Yoga teachings on meditation as they were taught in the West by Paramhansa Yogananda.
  • Just need to show up and do your part! Work with one section at a time and dedicate at least one week to it. Meditate using the mp3 files or on your own at least 10 minutes per day to start.

This course teaches meditation techniques for beginners.

Inner-peace and joy can be the cornerstone of your life.

Not just an introduction, but a systematic approach, practical tools, and individualized support to help you develop your daily meditation practice until it becomes a life skill.

Take our meditation class challenge! Use our proven technique of meditation and practice once per day -even for ten minutes and you will soon find yourself craving this special time. Your level of joy and peace in daily activities will rise. Your “emotional fuses” will get longer and you will feel anxiety, anger or depression less often and with less intensity. As your practice of meditation continues to deepen the results of your efforts become more powerful. Calmness, and Joy that radiate from within are the attributes of those who meditate deeply.

You’ll learn an ancient technique of meditation from India as it was taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who sincerely wants to meditate.
  • Anyone who seeks spiritual growth, and to have more fun.
  • Anyone who seeks freedom from anxiety, anger, fear, or worry.
  • Anyone who wants to access higher wisdom or inner guidance within.
  • Anyone who seeks to test their own spiritual or religious beliefs through personal experience.

Size: 3.44G






An In-Depth Training in Energetic and Emotional Healing with Seane Corn

Created by Sounds True, Seane Corn
Last updated 7/2016
What Will I Learn?
  • Practice a vinyasa yoga flow that will strengthen the body, release tension, and establish a healing mind-body connection.
  • Unblock and balance the seven chakras for restoring wellness on an emotional and energetic level.
  • There are no requirements to take this course. All you have to do is set aside some time to practice the lessons so you can heal on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.

This course, by renowned yoga instructor and spiritual leader, Seane Corn, will guide you to the deeper dimensions of yoga.

You’ll discover your unique and vast potential, as well as your capacity for connection, empowerment, and consciousness.

As you progress from a physical to an energetic practice, you’ll use yoga poses to tune into the body-mind connection within.

In other words, you’ll develop a yoga practice that heals you not only physically, but also emotionally and energetically.

Align Your Body and Chakras to Create a Strong Mind-Body Connection

  • Establish and Deepen a Yoga Practice for Body and Mind
  • Unblock the Seven Chakras for Emotional and Energetic Wellness
  • Develop a Profound Connection with Your Inner Self

Use Yoga to Encourage Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Healing

Seane Corn has created this course to help you connect with your physical body before going deeper into your energetic body.

You’ll begin with foundational lessons in vinyasa flow yoga. As you create a foundation with this ancient practice, you’ll release tension and deepen your mind-body connection.

Once you learn to harmonize breathing, movement, and awareness, you’ll release stuck emotions by working with your edges. This will lead to both physical and emotional strength and wellbeing.

After harnessing the benefits of a physical practice, you’ll use yoga as a gateway to your chakras (seven energy centers in the body) to energetically heal.

Contents and Overview

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You’ll begin this course with Seane’s body-mind flow so that you can build yoga poses from the ground up. This will ensure the process will be safe and effective.

You’ll also master proper breathing with a lesson on ujjayi pranayama before you dive into vinyasa flow yoga and experience an all-levels practice.

When ready, you’ll move onto lessons on how to further deepen your yoga experience, and you’ll also have the opportunity to move through an advanced practice.

After you’ve completed the body-mind flow, you can move on to the chakra flow section of the course. At this point, you’ll be ready to go even deeper into the mind-body connection you’ve already established.

You’ll learn about the chakras, how they absorb and reflect information, and how they impact your health.

When your seven chakras are blocked, you’ll feel unbalanced and unwell, so you’ll tackle how to open up and balance each chakra for physical and emotional wellness.

By the time you complete this course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of the connection between the mind and body, as well as the impact that your thoughts have upon your health.

You’ll realize that there’s no separation between body and mind, and you’ll know how to heal yourself by witnessing your thoughts, aligning your chakras, and allowing abundance to flow into your life.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wishes to establish a healing yoga practice or take their existing practice to a new level.
  • Anyone who wants to go beyond the physical practice of yoga to learn about the chakras and methods that can help you heal emotionally and energetically.

Size: 11.35G






Learn how to design, implement and manage the most popular automation networking system in the world.

Best Seller

Created by Emile Ackbarali
Last updated 7/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Understand the difference between Modbus and RS485
  • Modbus Protocol theory

  • RS485 theory

  • Modbus Messaging Structure and Configurations
  • Creation of a virtual software based Modbus network
  • Troubleshoot any Modbus network
  • Working knowledge of the process control devices in a typical Process Automation or SCADA system

The Modbus protocol is the oldest and still by far the most popular automation protocol in the field of process automation and SCADA. Knowing how to create Modbus based networks that run on the RS485 serial communication standard is essential for any electrical technician and engineer working in these fields. Being able to integrate devices from different manufacturers is a skill that is in demand and will ultimately make you more valuable and marketable in the industry.

This course gives you the theory behind the Modbus Protocol as well as RS485. It then goes on to show you how they work together to create a Modbus RS485 network. Two freeware applications are then used to create a Modbus network right on your PC so you can see the communication in action.

After completing this course, you will be able to integrate devices from the same manufacturers and different manufacturers, that are Modbus compliant, to form a complete seamless network.

Who is the target audience?
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Electrical Technicians
  • Electrical Tech or Engineering Students
  • Process Control Technicians
Curriculum For This Course
86 Lectures


Size: 444.72M





PLC Programming of Allen Bradley, Delta, Siemens, Omron & Schneider using LIVE Examples with HMI Interfacing

Best Seller

Created by Rajvir Singh
Last updated 7/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • To Learn Ladder Logic Programming
  • PLC Wiring Concepts & Troubleshooting

  • To Teach Programming to Technician & Engineer

  • PLC Software (Included in the Course)

Today, PLC are being used in every Process & Manufacturing Industries, besides knowing the Wiring & Connection, one must know how to program a PLC. Unless, you know how the brain works, it’s extremely difficult to troubleshoot a process. This course will explain how you can Wire, Design & Program a PLC.

Besides you will find the usage of various softwares like ITS PLC and dedicated hardware trainers to create motivational learning platform. Also you will find quizzes in various section of the courses to evaluate yourself. Following is the brief information about the course:

Brief Outline:

  1. High Quality Video Tutorials on PLC Wiring, Installation & Programming
  2. PLC E-books, Test, Manuals, Circuit Diagrams, text tutorials Included
  3. This course will help you to Program the PLC for your Project Work, Industrial Application, Home Automation, Factory Automation Projects etc.
  4. Ladder Logic Programming

Course Outline

  • 230+ PLC Video Tutorials
  • Doubt Clearing Complementary LIVE Sessions
  • Ladder Logic Programming
  • PLC Presentations, PLC Circuits, PLC Codes
  • FREE PLC Simulation Software for Practice

PLC – Programmable Logic Controller

  • Delta DVP 14 SS + 16 SP
  • Allen Bradley M1000
  • Siemens S7 200
  • Schneider
  • Omron CP1E

Analog Cards Programming

  • 04 AD – Analog to Digital
  • 04DA- Digital to Analog
  • Allen Bradley IF2OF2
  • Siemens Inbuilt in S7-200 XP

About Us:

NFI is an Industrial Automation Training Academy exists to bridge the skill gap between Industries Engineering Colleges. We train students/professionals in Automation skills that can help them in securing their path to success. NFI provides quality education in the field of industrial automation control systems that are being installed across industries. The course material is designed in a way that helps students in acquiring knowledge of these systems and use revolutionary thinking to keep the productivity and profitability high while reducing downtime of machines and troubleshoot the systems faster

NFI offers E-Learning Industrial Automation Courses to facilitate the students & engineers far across the world. NFI uses motivational Learning tools software Self learning Video tutorial for flexible & easy learning. Enrolled candidates gets FREE Software’s circuits which are used in the training programs. This helps them to practice for themselves after the course ends.

Who is the target audience?
  • PLC Programmers
  • Engineers – Production & Maintenance
  • Technicians
Curriculum For This Course
255 Lectures


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Size: 4.04G





Civil Engineering: Advanced ETABS Course, This course Contains detailed example of 19 Story Building

Best Seller

Created by Engineer Adam
Last updated 5/2018
What Will I Learn?
  • Define the Materials
  • Define the Section Properties

  • Import the DXF file from AutoCAD into ETABS

  • Load Patterns
  • Mass Source
  • Load Combinations
  • Assign Loads
  • Automatic Meshing
  • P-Delta
  • Equivalent Static Analysis Method. And all required checks.
  • Response Spectrum Analysis Method. And all required checks.
  • Design Shear Walls, Cores, and Columns.
  • Basic knowledge of reinforced concrete.
  • Basic knowledge in Autocad.
  • Basic knowledge in Microsoft Excel.
  • You must have the CSI ETABS & Autocad Software.

Most Present day Design is carried out using computer program. This course offers a lucid presentation of the most famous program of high rise building (Etabs 2016 ).

This course Contains detailed example of 19 Story Building and detailed explanation for the most important utility of the program.I used the step by step instruction guide through the development of ETABS model. Also, in this course, we will discuss the Static and the dynamic analysis Methods And the essential checks according to the ACI Code and the UBC 97 code.

Who is the target audience?
  • Civil Engineers
  • Students of civil Engineering
Curriculum For This Course
27 Lectures


Size: 398.50M

